
Full list of Publications, Manuscripts & Talks by Florian Schwarz
For all publications in my lab, see here
Florian Schwarz
Göbel, Alexander & Florian Schwarz. 2023. Comparing Global and Local Accommodation: Rating and Response Time Data. Experiments in Linguistic Meaning 2(0). 95–103. https://doi.org/10.3765/elm.2.5400. Cite Download
Beltrama, Andrea & Florian Schwarz. 2022. Social identity, precision and charity: when less precise speakers are held to stricter standard. Semantics and Linguistic Theory 1(0). 575–598. https://doi.org/10.3765/salt.v1i0.5406. Cite Download
Kalomoiros, Alexandros & Florian Schwarz. 2022. Presupposition projection from "or" vs. "and" – an experimental comparison. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26. 503–521. https://doi.org/10.18148/sub/2022.v26i0.1014. Cite Download
Beltrama, Andrea & Florian Schwarz. 2022. From social identity to meaning interpretation: when looser speakers are treated more strictly. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 44(44). (5 February, 2023). Cite Download
Beltrama, Andrea & Florian Schwarz. 2021. Imprecision, personae, and pragmatic reasoning. Semantics and Linguistic Theory 31(0). 122–144. https://doi.org/10.3765/salt.v31i0.5107. Cite Download
Bade, Nadine & Florian Schwarz. 2021. New data on the competition between definites and indefinites. Experiments in Linguistic Meaning 1(0). 15–26. https://doi.org/10.3765/elm.1.4894. Cite Download
Kalomoiros, Alexandros & Florian Schwarz. 2021. Presupposition projection from disjunction is symmetric. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 6(1). 556–571. https://doi.org/10.3765/plsa.v6i1.4989. Cite Download
Schwarz, Florian & Jeremy Zehr. 2021. Tutorial: Introduction to PCIbex – An Open-Science Platform for Online Experiments: Design, Data-Collection and Code-Sharing. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 43(43). (24 March, 2022). Cite Download
Mandelkern, Matthew, Jérémy Zehr, Jacopo Romoli & Florian Schwarz. 2020. We've discovered that projection across conjunction is asymmetric (and it is!). Linguistics and Philosophy. https://doi.org/ Cite Download
Beltrama, Andrea & Florian Schwarz. 2020. Imprecision and speaker identity: How social cues affect meaning resolution. Talk presented at the 33rd CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference, UMass Amherst. Cite
Zehr, Jérémy & Florian Schwarz. 2020. Penn Controller for Internet Based Experiments - A Tutorial. Cite
Schwarz, Florian. 2019. Weak vs. strong definite articles: Meaning and form across languages. In Ana Aguilar-Guevara, Julia Pozas Loyo & Violeta Vázquez-Rojas Maldonado (eds.), Definiteness Across Languages, 1–37. Berlin: Language Sciences Press. https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.3252012. Cite Download
Bade, Nadine & Florian Schwarz. 2019. An experimental Investigation of Antipresuppositions. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Penn Linguistics Conference (University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics), vol. 25. Cite Download
Schwarz, Florian. 2019. Definites, domain restriction, and discourse structure in online processing. In Charles Jr. Clifton, Katy Carlson & Janet Dean Fodor (eds.), Grammatical Approaches to Language Processing - Essays in Honor of Lyn Frazier, 187–208. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Cite Download
Bill, Cory, Jacopo Romoli & Florian Schwarz. 2018. Processing Presuppositions and Implicatures: Similarities and Differences. Frontiers in Communication 3. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2018.00044. Cite Download
Bacovcin, Hezekiah Akiva, Jeremy Zehr & Florian Schwarz. 2018. To accommodate or to ignore?: The presuppositions of again and continue across contexts. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 3(1). 16. https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.402. Cite Download
Siegel, Muffy, Jérémy Zehr, Hezekiah Akiva Bacovcin, Lynne Steuerle Schofield & Florian Schwarz. 2018. The verbatim access effect: implicature in experimental context. Language and Cognition 10(4). 595–625. https://doi.org/10.1017/langcog.2018.18. Cite Download
Djärv, Kajsa, Jérémy Zehr & Florian Schwarz. 2018. Cognitive vs. emotive factives: An experimental differentiation. In Robert Truswell, Chris Cummins, Caroline Heycock, Brian Rabern & Hannah Rohde (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21, vol. 1, 367–385. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh. Cite Download 1
Tieu, Lyn, Cory BIll, Jérémy Zehr, Jacopo Romoli & Florian Schwarz. 2018. Developmental insights into vagueness, presupposition, and scalar implicatures. In Sudha Arunachalam & Kristen Syrett (eds.), Semantics in Acquisition (Trends in Language Acquisition Research (TiLAR)), 302–324. John Benjamins. Cite Download
Schwarz, Florian & Sonja Tiemann. 2017. Presupposition Projection in Online Processing. Journal of Semantics 34(1). 61–106. https://doi.org/10.1093/jos/ffw005. Cite Download
Zehr, Jeremy, Cory Bill, Lyn Tieu, Jacopo Romoli & Florian Schwarz. 2017. Presuppositions of quantified sentences: more experimental data. Cite
Zehr, Jérémy & Florian Schwarz. 2017. Returning to Non-entailed Presuppositions Again (XPRAG). Poster presentation presented at the XPRAG 2017, University of Cologne, Germany. Cite
Zehr, Jérémy & Florian Schwarz. 2017. Returning to Non-entailed Presuppositions Again (SuB). Presented at the Sinn und Bedeutung 22, University of Potsdam, Germany. Cite
Schwarz, Florian. 2017. Experimental Pragmatics. In Mark Aronoff (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford University Press. Cite Download
Zehr, Jérémy & Florian Schwarz. 2017. The impact of presuppositions on interpretation - go back vs. return. Presented at the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 30, MIT. Cite
Mandelkern, Matthew, Jérémy Zehr, Jacopo Romoli & Florian Schwarz. 2017. Incrementality versus Symmetry in Presupposition Projection. Presented at the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 30, MIT. Cite
Djärv, Kajsa, Florian Schwarz & Jérémy Zehr. 2017. Entailed vs. Non-entailed Presuppositions in Cognitive and Emotive factives. Presented at the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 30, MIT. Cite
Hirsch, Aron, Florian Schwarz & Jérémy Zehr. 2017. The Online Processing of Presupposition Projection from Disjunctions. Presented at the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 30, MIT. Cite
Creemers, Ava, Jérémy Zehr & Florian Schwarz. 2017. Interpreting Presuppositions from the Scope of Quantifiers: Every vs. At least one. Presented at the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 30, MIT. Cite
Mandelkern, Matthew, Jérémy Zehr, Jacopo Romoli & Florian Schwarz. 2017. Incrementality versus Symmetry in Presupposition Projection. Presented at the Workshop on Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Presuppositions, University of Genoa, Italy. Cite